Freshwater Angelfish are a popular freshwater aquarium pet fish, but they can be hard to identify if you don’t know what to look for. This article will go over the different types of Angelfish and talk about some essential things you should know before purchasing one. We’ll cover tank size, maximum growth size, defining features, aggression levels, and more so that when it comes time to buy an Angelfish for your aquarium, you have all the information that you need!
Types of Angelfish
These are the different types of angelfish:
Koi Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Koi)

The Koi Angelfish is a type of angelfish that has a gorgeous black and white body. It also sports a golden stripe on its head and golden shimmers across its body.
Wild species of this fish can be found in slow-moving streams and mud puddles in Thailand. The maximum growth size of the Koi Angelfish is around seven inches. Koi Angelfish thrive best in tanks of at least 30-gallons and water with a slightly low ph.
Some koi angelfish feature patches of black, which seem to mimic the marble angelfish. They, however, lack stripes.
Zebra Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Zebra)

The zebra angelfish is a popular type of angelfish that you might find in an aquarium.
Zebra angelfish come from the Indian and Pacific oceans, so that they might need a little more attention in captivity than some tropical fish.
They can grow up to 10 inches long when fully grown, with females being slightly smaller than males.
The males and females of this breed appear different and are easy to differentiate. The females have a black band over their eyes and are light blue. Stripes also run down the top and bottom of the tails of female Zebra Angelfish. The male Zebra Angelfish has a pale blue color with white markings. The pattern resembles a zebra.
The zebra angelfish, distinguished by four to six stripes, differs from the silver angelfish, which has three.
Leopard Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Leopard)

The Leopard Angelfish is a popular type of pet fish. These fish have a distinctive spotted pattern characterized by a unique blue gene that causes the fish to maintain a dull color until fully grown. Leopard Angelfish can live for more than a decade and grow to be six inches long or more.
Leopard angelfish are bred from an Amazon river-dwelling angelfish with similar patterns. Its name is derived from its resemblance to a leopard, which has led it to be called such.
Altum Angelfish (Pterophyllum Altum)

The Altum Angelfish are wild angelfish that live in rivers with slower currents and among submerged roots and marginal vegetation. Due to their adult height and lengthy trailing fins, they require a taller than average aquarium.
Altum Angelfish eat frozen foods such as white mosquito larvae, bloodworm, and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp. However, since most Altum Angelfish are exclusively wild caught, they may need live foods to start eating and then progress to frozen food and dried foods.
Silver Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Silver)

The Silver Angelfish is a small-sized fish that has a beautiful silver coloration on its body. It can grow up to 6 inches, and it should be kept in a 30-gallon tank.
It prefers to be kept alone, and it will not tolerate any other fish species in the aquarium. These types of angelfish are very aggressive with other fish but not with the same species.
If you plan to keep two fish or more Silver Angelfish in a freshwater aquarium, it needs to be more than 60 gallons.
Marble Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Marble)

The Marble Angelfish (also known as the Marbled Angelfish) is a beautiful and unique angelfish that is often considered a “gem” of the hobby. It’s a very peaceful fish that will not bother other fish—making it perfect for a large community tank.
Marble Angelfish need a minimum 30-gallon tank and a maximum of 150 gallons for more than one fish. Males can grow to about 6 inches long, but females do not usually grow as large as males.
The Marble Angelfish needs a wide range of foods, including vegetables and meaty food. Quality flakes are a good start. However, live, and frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms are a must for healthy angelfish.
Black Lace Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Black lace)

Black Lace Angelfish is uncommon compared to other popular Angelfish on the list; it is typically a little more expensive. They don’t like being in captivity so much, and they do not like noisy environments.
Black Lace Angelfish are not as aggressive as other types of angelfish. They prefer warmer temperatures, so you should use a reliable water heater and a thermometer to monitor the water in your aquarium.
Blushing Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Blushing)

The Blushing Angelfish starts white and black, but as it develops, it acquires blue stripes. This fish prefers a heavily planted tank with rock formations, driftwood, and other objects. It is calm when kept in the same aquarium as other fish as long as enough room in the community tank. The Blushing Angelfish has vivid hues that are sure to catch the attention of any viewer.
Smokey Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Smokey)

The Smokey Angelfish is available in two color variations: normal and chocolate. They’re both somewhat identical, with the chocolate variation having a darker brown hue.
The smokey pigmentation generally begins near the fish’s mid-dorsal fin and may span the entire back of the creature, although full coverage will vary. The original color may or may not be apparent under the pigmentation, and the smokey hue will not be symmetrical.
Ghost Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Ghost)
Ghost Angelfish are freshwater angelfish that have a stripeless gene and hence do not have any beautiful markings. Ghost Angelfish may be light or dark in color, and they are more energetic and aggressive than other types. As the ghost angelfish grow older, it may begin to develop stripes.
Albino Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Albino)

These Freshwater Angelfish are gorgeous and one of the most popular types of angelfish in the freshwater aquarium trade. Albino Angelfish can range from hues of white to a silver body with golden yellow or orange highlights around the eyes.
Their eyes are pink/red, and they are sensitive to light. Albino Angelfish thrive in tanks larger than 30 gallons with lots of room for free swimming; however, they are simple to care for and can reach lengths of 6 inches if adequately fed.
They enjoy rocks and driftwood as hiding places from sunlight or artificial light, but you should be cautious not to overcrowd the tank by adding too much decor and other elements.
Gold Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Gold)

A Gold Angelfish grows no more than four inches long and has a primarily orange coloration with brown tones. The fins and lips have an orange border, while the eyes are orange as well. It may also have vertical yellow stripes on its body.
The Gold Angelfish is a rare sight in freshwater aquariums because it needs a tank larger than 55 gallons and is usually not very friendly to other angelfish (or any fish for that matter).
Platinum Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. Platinum)

The Platinum Angelfish is a rather unusual catch, and only a few freshwater aquariums have one. The scales are brilliant and glisten when light shines on them. These fish prefer planted tanks with at least 30 gallons of water that allow for many hiding places. They are semi-aggressive, so you’ll need to watch what fish you put in the tank if you want them to stay safe.
Clown Angelfish

The Clown Angelfish is a rare breed of Angelfish, and it may be challenging to locate one without some effort. The surfaces of these fish have a complex pattern that includes patches of various sizes and forms. Clown Angelfish are more docile than other types and are simple to care for. These fish like an aquarium with plenty of vegetation as well as hiding locations, preferring tall plants to caves and rocks.
Black Veil Angelfish

The Black Veil Angelfish is a dark black color that is somewhat darker than the Black Lace Angelfish. With age, its fins elongate, and it’s pretty tolerant of temperature and pH changes in the water. It can also live in hard and soft water, making it one of the easiest Angelfish breeds to maintain (very hardy fish). It’s also one of the most common types of angelfish seen in a freshwater aquarium, so you’re likely to have encountered one before. Over four decades of selective breeding have resulted in the Black Veil Angelfish, now available in the aquarium hobby.
Golden Marble Angelfish
Since the 1960s, Golden Marble Angelfish have been seen in aquariums around the world. They resemble Koi angelfish but have more orange on top and more marbling.
Half Black Angelfish

Black, grey, and copper are the most common colors of this freshwater angelfish. Half Black Angelfish aren’t particularly vibrant or colorful as other angelfish. However, they are still incredibly appealing though not one of the most popular types of angelfish offered in pet stores.
Some of these breeds are attractive aquarium features and good pets. The Black Veil Angelfish and Blushing Angelfish are nice and calm to keep. Zebra Angelfish is an excellent choice for experienced aquarists with large tanks due to its enormous size and beautiful appearance. Now that you know about some of the most common angelfish types, which one will you choose?
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the most popular types of freshwater angelfish?
The most popular types of freshwater angelfish are the Zebra Angelfish, the Veil Angelfish, the Leopard Angelfish, and the Albino Angelfish.
How big do Angelfish grow to?
Most Angelfish grow to be about 5-6 inches long at adulthood. However, some can reach 8 to 10 inches tall.
Can freshwater angelfish live with other aquarium fish?
No, freshwater angelfish should never be kept with other fish in an aquarium. Most angelfish are aggressive; however, if you must keep other fish: tetras, rasboras, gouramis, peaceful barbs, rainbowfish, corydoras, and other medium-sized catfish are all good angelfish tank mates.
What kinds of water conditions do Angelfish need in an aquarium?
Freshwater Angelfish that have been captive bred can adapt to a wide range of water conditions. The pH should be between 6.8 and 7.8, with hardness between 3° and 8° dKH (54 to 145 ppm). You should maintain the water temperature should between 78° and 84° F.
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