Tangerine lobsters are freshwater aquarium crayfish that have shell colors ranging from orange to red. These lobsters are fun to keep and are always on the move. Here’s what you need to know about raising them in a fish tank.
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Name | Tangerine Lobster |
Other Names | Neon Orange Lobster, Neon Orange Crayfish |
Scientific Name | Procambarus clarkii |
Tank Size | 20 gallons (minumum) |
Care | Easy |
Breeding | Easy |
Size | 5 inches (adult) |
Optimal Temperature | 60-80° F |
Optimal PH | 6.0-7.6 |
Optimal KH | 3-10 |
Diet | Omnivorous |
Temperament | Aggressive |
Lifespan | 2-3 years |
Color | Orange – Red |
Tangerine Lobster Tank Size
The minimum recommended tank size for a tangerine lobster is a 20-gallon tank. A 20-gallon long tank is best because there’s enough space at the bottom for the tangerine lobster to explore. More space can also mean less territorial disputes and aggression.
Tangerine Lobster Habitat
Tangerine lobsters need places to explore. So, lots of fish tank decor, plants, and caves are good to have in the aquarium. They also like to hide and guard items in the tank. Also, when molting, the crayfish will need places to hide to be safe.
Tangerine Lobster Tank Mates
Tangerine lobsters are territorial and can attack other crayfish and aquatic animals. So, aquarium shrimp, aquarium snails, and small fish are not suitable tank mates.
Bigger fish like Jack Dempsey Cichlids are also not good tank mates for crayfish because both species are territorial and will attack each other.
Also, do not keep your tangerine lobster with Betta or other fish with long fins. The crayfish will attack and possibly injure or eat the betta.
Aquarium crayfish are, in general, not good tank mates for community fish tanks. It’s best to speak with the store clerk when buying to find out how to go about setting up the aquarium.
Tangerine Lobster Food
The tangerine crayfish/lobster is an omnivorous animal. These lobsters/crayfish will eat high-quality sinking pellets, plants, and freeze-dried or frozen meaty foods. Add cuttlebone to the aquarium to supplement calcium, which will aid in exoskeleton development.
- https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Procambarus_clarkii/
- NEON RED CRAYFISH (PROCAMBARUS CLARKII) AKA ORANGE/TANGERINE CRAYFISH – https://aquaticarts.com/products/neon-red-crayfish
- Shelter-seeking behavior of crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, in elevated carbon dioxide – http://fishlab.nres.illinois.edu/Documents/Robertson_et_al_2018_Aquatic_Ecology.pdf
- Red swamp crayfish: biology, ecology and invasion – an overview – http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
- Would I Be Able To Have A Blue Lobster And A Betta? | Fishlore Forums
More on Fish Tank Basics:
- White Crayfish Care: Size, Lifespan, Color, Diet – Video
- Electric Blue Lobster Care: Size, Lifespan, Color, Diet – Video
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