Nano fish grow to less than two inches and are fit for aquariums as small as 10 gallons. Here are ten nano fish for nano aquariums:
Chili Rasbora
Chili Rasbora is a schooling nano fish that thrive in groups of 6 or more. They are bright red with a shimmering black stripe down the side that gets thinner toward the tail. They are very active, so you’ll always see them moving about in the tank.
Otocinclus Catfish
The Otocinclus catfish or Oto cat is catfish that feeds on algae. It’s one of the best algae eating fish and can keep your tank free of different types of algae. These nano fish prefer to be in groups of 5 or more. Oto cats grow to about 2 inches in length.
Freshwater Pea Puffer
Freshwater pea puffers are nano fish that grow no more than an inch in size. They have a beautiful colored pattern that is a blend of black and yellowish-gold.
While beautiful to look at, pea puffers can be aggressive toward each other and other fish. Place lots of plants or hiding places to help deter aggression.
Groups of 3 or less are typical in a 10 gallon, but they can live by themselves with no problem.
Neon Tetra
Neon Tetras do best in groups of 6 or more. These micro fish grow to about 1.2 inches in length. They are long and thin with small fins. They are bright blue, with bright red coloring nearer to the tail.
White Cloud Minnow
The White Cloud Minnow is an excellent addition to any aquarium. It has white to gold coloration with red coloration on its fins and tail. They show schooling behavior, so keeping 6 to 10 or more is best. They grow to about 1.25 inches in length.
Keep guppies in a group of either all males or one male and 3 or 4 females. There are many different types of guppies. But, the male Fancy Guppy is the most popular. They grow to about 2 inches in length. Beware, though, they are prolific breeders so best to keep only males.
Cherry Barb
The cherry barb is a freshwater nano fish that grows to a size of about 2 inches. Keep these nano fish in groups of at least five or more. Males have a striking red color, and females show some red color as well. Keep cherry barbs in tanks with lots of hiding places.
Endler’s Livebearers
Endler’s Livebearers are like guppies. They are as colorful and exhibit the same prolific breeding behaviors. It’s best to keep a group of only males or a group of 4 females and one male for breeding. They grow to about 1.8 inches in length.
Celestial Pearl Danio
The celestial pearl danio or galaxy rasbora is a slender fish with small pointed fins. It has a dark blue body covered with golden spots. There’s also some reddish-orange coloration that outlines the frame. They grow up to 1 inch in length.
Cardinal Tetras
Cardinal Tetras thrive in groups of 5 or more. They grow to about 2 inches. Unlike Neon Tetras, the Cardinal Tetras’ blue and red coloring covers its entire body from head to tail.
Harlequin Rasboras
Harlequin rasbora are schooling nano fish that prefer to live in groups of 6 or more. They are orangish-red in color with a patch of black in the lower abdominal area near the anal fin. They grow to about 2 inches in length.
- How many fish in a nano? – Reef Central Online Community –
- What can I put in a nano tank? –
- Nano aquarium – Wikipedia –
- How To Set Up A Nano Aquarium
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