A Micro Sword Plant is a popular freshwater aquarium plant that you may buy in fish stores. It’s also known as Micro Sword Grass, Brazilian Micro Sword, Copragrass, Carpet Grass, or Lilaeopsis brasiliensis. It is a foreground plant.

What To Look For When Buying A Micro Sword Plant
When you are buying a Micro Sword Plant, make sure it has healthy green leaves. The leaves should be about two inches long. Avoid plants with yellow leaves, decaying tips, or that have spots of algae on them.
Because a Micro Sword Plant is often sold in a pot, examining the plant’s roots at the store might be challenging. But, if the leaves in the plant pot appear healthy, it’s usually a safe bet that the roots are as well.
What Water Conditions Do Micro Sword Plants Need
Micro Sword aquarium plants are not easy to care for. It is even more challenging to care for Micro Swords in a low-light aquarium. Finally, it needs to be in the right water conditions to thrive.
Aim for:
Aquarium pH: 6.8-7.5 Water Temperature: 70 to 82 Degrees Fahrenheit Lighting: Moderate to High
Rich, fertilized plant substrate rather than standard aquarium gravel is necessary for good Micro Sword care. Furthermore, with CO2 and intense lighting, a Micro Sword Plant may develop accelerated. Without these, growth rates will be slow or nonexistent. A Micro Sword Plant can grow like a green grass carpet with leaves as small as 2 inches long to 5 inches in the proper tank.
How To Plant Micro Sword Plants (Root & Substrate)
The roots of the Healthy Micro Sword Plant are white, delicate, and very fine. When removing the plant from its container or dividing it into smaller clusters, avoid harming or breaking the roots.
Micro Sword Plant roots aren’t as durable as Anubias Barteri roots when they’re young, and it’s difficult to plant them. You may think to grow the blades of a Micro Sword Plant in one big clump; but, this can prevent the plant from developing.
Instead of clumps, gently separate the entire cluster into smaller groups. Plant each group about an inch or so apart in the substrate, approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. These plants are light and have fine-shallow roots that may float around when pulled out of the substrate.
If this happens, replant them. With a bit of patience, the clumps will take root and remain in place eventually. Once the plant’s roots establish themselves and begin to reproduce, they will grow like a net or web that holds the plant to the top of the substrate.
Reproduction & Runners
To reproduce, the plant’s roots send out tiny runners, which grow new plants and form a carpet on the bottom of the tank. If planted correctly, these little runners may develop new plants and spread more.
How To Deal With Algae Issues On Micro Sword Plant Leaves
A Micro Sword Plant thrives in intense light and has a slow development rate. Algae will likely develop on its leaves, making them appear unappealing and brown. One of the easiest methods to prevent this is to avoid planting in one large clump.
The large clump method hinders water circulation around the plant, allowing algae to grow. You can use Red Cherry Shrimp or Amano Shrimp to eat the algae off the leaf’s surfaces.
As always, it’s crucial to maintain water parameters within acceptable limits. You can also do regular partial water changes for general upkeep.
Final Thoughts
Micro Sword is a plant that can be grown under medium to high lighting. It will grow and send out runners along the substrate, which form new baby plants. Once it starts taking off, it grows relatively quickly but usually does not get more than a few inches tall. Following these care tips should provide plenty of growth opportunities for your Micro Sword.
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